Friday, March 26, 2010


ok! so back story on "larren"...rhymes with...anyways, went on first date about 4 days ago. The obligatory blah, blah...very polite, never got into the meat of any sort of conversation. Well, ladies(and perhaps gents) I went on date #2 with him. That was last night. Very interesting.
We decided to meet at Sherlock's. I like to think that I have "rules" to dating, but since I haven't been on a date in 2 years I threw them all out the window. Here are the things that bug me:
#1--He has class on Tues and Thurs nights till 9pm so he always seems to want to meet after. My rule has always been only contact me during normal business hours between 9am and 9pm but what the heck, I'll suck it up and meet him late.
#2--He's a freakin smoker!!! It's so gross to me...his profile(after i checked in hindsight) said 'no answer'...
#3--We actually kissed..well, no tongue, but a kiss and a really good one...I wouldn't let him use tongue b/c he smoked all night, but it was fun...
#4--He stayed at the bar after I left...really? I mean, I left at that early these days??
#5--and probably the most bothersome...when i walked in he was talking to another girl...he was actually standing up at her table and talking to her!! She got stood up and they started talking...
What is he, the overly friendly, save the girl guy??

What does this mean? We have great conversations..and get along well...he likes heavy metal and I like rap, he's a republican and I am a democrat, he is kinda a nerd and I am....well, you get it...

Am I being too picky? Do I just enjoy the male attention? And, if so, then what does that say about me? UGH!!!! I think the most frustrating thing is that...wait for it...he hasn't called/texted me yet today....after he told me he would...(I know, me the lecture) I think this dating thing is going to be a bumpy ride....

On a positive note: I met a deputy sheriff that I am supposed to meet next week and a 40 yr old divorcee that seems like fun....we'll see....stay tuned!



  1. Yea, he sounds like a weirdo! Why is he talking to other girls? Why did he stay later? Did he walk you to your car?

  2. he's not a weirdo, but this is what dating is like now...hold on to Roman and never let go girl!!!
