Thursday, March 25, 2010

Here's how it all started...

OK, so I should probably give a back story before I go right into this whole thing. I turned 30 this year and it wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. I mean, I have a good paying job, good health, and great family and friends. I guess the only thing I am missing is a boyfriend. It sounds so archaic just admitting that out loud. Are feminists everywhere shouting in protest? I try and not think about it, but when you are ALWAYS the third, fifth, (insert your own odd number here) everywhere you go, you begin to think that it would be nice to have someone...if only to bring with you places...
SO, as I watched everyone else kiss their significant other at midnight(my birthday is on new years day) I made a resolution to start dating more. Well, weeks turned into months and before I knew it, it was March and I hadn't been on ONE date!
After a couple miller lite's, my liquid courage made me join I have only been on for a couple of weeks and it has been very interesting so far. I wanted to create a blog for people to follow and see just how hard it is to date...
Check out my next post to see about my first date...

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