Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The ginger...

Not a fan of the red head. Nothing against them, but just not my thing. So, imagine my surprise when one 'winks' at me. I almost didn't know how to react. A full head of fiery red hair, and a FULL beard. What am I going to do with that? An instant flash of my wedding pictures ran through my head. He seemed really nice and even emailed me that he is not traditionally good looking. I feel bad. Maybe I should give him a chance.

NOPE, can't get the wedding pics outta my head....

Oh, the fake picture...

So, I have definitely heard of people going on match and using an old know the one where your smile is great, your at the best angle, and you really know when you look at that picture, that you look GOOD....unless of course it was taken 5 YEARS AGO!!
What are people thinking? Did you think that I wasn't going to notice your comb-over, your extra 50lbs, or that you seemed to 'shrink' from your listed height?
This is of course the Indian guy "Tick". So, what do I do? I would like to say that I acted like an adult and simply told him that I didn't feel any sparks...or that I told him that I was too busy to pursue something right now...or even that I wasn't attracted to him....NOPE.
Instead I chose to ignore him. Yup, no texts back, no calls returned. I know, total jerk move....but he did lie first with the whole picture thing so we're even right??