Monday, January 3, 2011

So, you're saying you are not dead???

So the assistant principal from the last blog really messed with my mind. I mean, why just drop off the face of the earth? I am totally convinced he found out where I worked (I never told him) and saw me and was done...What else can a girl really think? Since then no one has really even sparked an interest. The only "winks" I get are from guys at least 6 years younger than me...I really don't have time to babysit these days...SO, in the spirit of being "dumped" I of course had to find out if Mr. assistant principal was dead or not. So, I checked every day to see if he had logged in...I know, its crazy, but he really left me no choice. For 2 weeks not one sign of him...until last night. He was online the same time as me. And no, I did not have the guts to ask what happened, or what was wrong. Well, at least he's not dead right? Hmmm....