Saturday, July 17, 2010


I know that I am on so I should have been prepared for this, but I wasn't. Has technology ruined dating? I mean, we look at someone's profile and know pretty much everything about them and we haven't even spoken yet. Then I "wink' at him and wait until he logs online so see if he wants to "wink" back. This whole process is exhausting not to mention a little demeaning. So after I like you on paper, then we go on a date. This is of course after weeks of texting and emailing back and forth. A couple of dates and you finally get to see who the person really is and whether or not you even want to continue dating him. The entire time this process is happening, you are still meeting and talking to other people, as is he. Has technology taken away the butterflies in the stomach feeling?

To facebook or not to facebook

So the craze of facebook has taken over our lives. I met a man. He is an executive chef (yay), he is very cute (from pics), and seems very laid back. We are supposed to meet up shortly. Here is the thing: he friend requested me on facebook. This may not seem like a big issue, but there is alot of personal information on facebook AND, not to mention, a link to this website. Do I want to be "friends" with a guy I am just dating? I am guilty of being a constant facebooker, so my every move would be monitored. Also, how did he find out my last name? Did he look through all the people with my first name and match up the picture? I am not sure if that's a compliment or creepy. We haven't even met up yet, so I think I will 'ignore' his friend request...for now...